The popular problem… I recently went into trouble with an OwnCloud installation on one of our servers. A few users had problems accessing any files or even upload new ones with errors like “404 not found” or “Forbidden”… It figured out, that these problems must be connected to the move of the datastore-folder some time… Continue reading OwnCloud: Fix ‘home storage for user not writable’ error
Author: chris
Telekom Glasfaseranschluss (FTTH) mit FRITZ!Box 7390
Vorwort In diesem Artikel geht es um die Einrichtung einer älteren FRITZ!Box 7390 an einem aktuellen Telelkom Glasfaser-Anschluss über das bereitgestellte Modem (ONT). Generell kann man wahrscheinlich davon ausgehen, dass die meisten FRITZ!Boxen der letzten Jahre welche die Funktion “Internetzugang über ein externes Modem” bieten für den Betrieb an einem Telekom FTTH Zugang geeignet sind.… Continue reading Telekom Glasfaseranschluss (FTTH) mit FRITZ!Box 7390
Running Jenkins with SSL on default HTTPS port
Note: Since Jenkins is a java application running with limited system permission, it’s socket listeners can’t listen on ports below 1024. So if you want to run Jenkins with HTTPS enabled on the default HTTPS-port 443, you need some work around. Basic solution (complete): Here are the complete steps I took when switching one of… Continue reading Running Jenkins with SSL on default HTTPS port
haekchengeister @ soundcloud
I’ve just uploaded a new song to my soundcloud account. It’s a funny chipsound-flavored song with german synthetic vocals about the “Haekchengeister” (checkbox ghosts) the come at night to destroy your computer’s config and stuff.
get phpVirtualBox 5.0.5 running with VirtualBox 5.2.x
If you haven’t already, upgrade to phpVirtualBox 5.0.5. Open file “endpoints/lib/config.php” on your phpvirtualbox installation in an editor of your choice. Change the line “define(‘PHPVBOX_VER’, …) as following: define(‘PHPVBOX_VER’, ‘5.2-0’); Download SDK for VirtualBox 5.2 from Extract the SDK-archive contents somewhere. Copy the files “bindings/webservice/vboxweb.wsdl” and “bindings/webservice/vboxwebService.wsdl” of the SDK to the folder “endpoints/lib”… Continue reading get phpVirtualBox 5.0.5 running with VirtualBox 5.2.x
new stuff @ soundcloud
I just added a long overdue remix of Arcana Moon’s “Sturm der Ewigkeit” on my soundcloud account: Maybe you like it. Downloads are enabled. Enjoy!
TR-069 Angriff: FritzBox teilweise DOCH betroffen
Laut AVM wären die aktuellen FritzBox Modelle vom kürzlich stattgefundenen TR-069 Angriff nicht betroffen. Dies scheint aber wohl nur dann zu stimmen, wenn der jeweilige Anbieter das Profil auch entsprechend abgesichert hat. Mein Anschluss (KielNET/Versatel, FritzBox 7390) zeigte am 02.12.2016 nachmittags aber die gleichen Symptome wie die wenige Tage vorher betroffenen Telekom-Kunden: Die Verbindung hielt… Continue reading TR-069 Angriff: FritzBox teilweise DOCH betroffen
Using VST MIDI plugins in Cakewalk Sonar
About: As you may know, one can’t use VST-M plugins in Sonar nativly since the inbuild wrapper only supports VST effect und VSTi plugins, no MIDI (effect) plugins.There are very few MFX (DirectX MIDI effect) plugins out there that could be used in Sonar, so I always wished that I could use VST-M plugins as… Continue reading Using VST MIDI plugins in Cakewalk Sonar
get YYYYMMDD formatted date string in javascript
Since decent formatting methods for free date formats are missing in JS, we have to do it manually: var newdate = new Date(); var datestring = newdate.getFullYear().toString() + (’00’ + (newdate.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) + (’00’ + newdate.getDate()).slice(-2); “datestring” now contains the date in format “YYYYMMDD”, for example “20160715”.
Getting Winhlp32 work on Windows 10
If you came here directly, you probably already google’d quite a while to find a solution for the sad fact that Windows 10 lets you run many old apps, but without letting you use the included HLP-files. The problem itself is rather old, it already arose in Vista and all later Windows versions are affected… Continue reading Getting Winhlp32 work on Windows 10