Update Python to 3.11 on Raspbian Bullseye

I found a guide how to build (compile) the most recent Python-versions on the Pi here. This guide still works on “Bullseye” and also with Python 3.11. However, I’d recommend to miss out the part with deletion of the symlink at /usr/bin though, but use the “update-alternatives”-tool instead. One just need some patience as the… Continue reading Update Python to 3.11 on Raspbian Bullseye

Linux batch rename one-liner

Just in case I need it again and don’t remember: for f in <OLDPATTERN>; do mv “$f” “$(echo “$f” | sed ‘s/<OLDPATTERN>/<NEWPATTERN>/’)”; done And to batch-rename strings in all text-type files in a folder: for f in <FILEPATTERN>; do if [[ $(file “$f” | grep “text”) != “” ]]; then sed -i ‘s/<OLDPATTERN>/<NEWPATTERN>/g’ “$f”; fi;… Continue reading Linux batch rename one-liner