If you are looking for STEMs or vocal-only (acapella) tracks of existing songs in vain until now, your search might have ended today. I just stumbled over the “Ultimate Vocal Remover 5” (or short “UVR5”), and I’m still knocked off my feet by this tool. It can do things like separate music from vocals, create… Continue reading Ultimate Vocal Remover
Category: Music
New stuff @ soundcloud
A co-production between me and my old music fellow from “Individualdistanz”. We did some collaboration many years ago, so this work is some sort of musicial “re-union”. The original score is from ID, I re-arranged it, we both took new vocals and after mixing and mastering, here it is. Hope you like it, there’s more… Continue reading New stuff @ soundcloud
New stuff @ soundcloud
I recently thought “Is there a techno mix of the Jeopardy melody?” I didn’t find any… So, here’s something to fill this gap! 😀 The style I chose is called “Kirmestechno” here in Germany, because it used to be played at bumper car in amusement parks. It’s something like Hands Up, but more annoying. 🙂… Continue reading New stuff @ soundcloud
New remix @ soundcloud
Yet another remix I just finished that had been lying around for far too long. This time it’s Tannengruen’s ode to the love called “Der Kuss” (the kiss). Downloads are enabled, enjoy!
haekchengeister @ soundcloud
I’ve just uploaded a new song to my soundcloud account. It’s a funny chipsound-flavored song with german synthetic vocals about the “Haekchengeister” (checkbox ghosts) the come at night to destroy your computer’s config and stuff.
new stuff @ soundcloud
I just added a long overdue remix of Arcana Moon’s “Sturm der Ewigkeit” on my soundcloud account: Maybe you like it. Downloads are enabled. Enjoy!
Using VST MIDI plugins in Cakewalk Sonar
About: As you may know, one can’t use VST-M plugins in Sonar nativly since the inbuild wrapper only supports VST effect und VSTi plugins, no MIDI (effect) plugins.There are very few MFX (DirectX MIDI effect) plugins out there that could be used in Sonar, so I always wished that I could use VST-M plugins as… Continue reading Using VST MIDI plugins in Cakewalk Sonar
Some old stuff @ soundcloud
I just began to upload some stuff from days ago to soudcloud. Maybe you like it: Have fun 😉
Free Tonmann DeEsser VST plugin
Update: I just finished the work on version 1.2, which I now offer as a free download below. This version brings an all new “decent” GUI, kindly created by DeLaMancha (www.delamancha.co.uk), the de-normal and multicore-problems are (hopefully) fixed. Also a few other internal improvements are addressed in this release. A screenshot of the current version… Continue reading Free Tonmann DeEsser VST plugin
x50 Converter
 International Visitors please scroll further down or click here! 1. Was macht das Programm? Es wandelt Diskimages vom Roland S-50 Format in das S-550 Format um und anders herum. 2. Wozu das Ganze? Wer einen Sampler oder Sampleplayer der S-7xx Baureihe besitzt, kann sich diese Frage sicher selbst beantworten. 😉 Für alle anderen: Diese Geräte… Continue reading x50 Converter